Network automation: offering choices now key
In June 2017, as the Software Defined Networking (SDN) hype-machine was in full-force, I wrote a blog that targeted the various options that existed for customers looking to dive into the world of network automation. More specifically, I discussed Cisco’s approach to SDN and automation that offers o…
Prevent an Encryption Bottleneck on High-Speed Links
What if you had a car with a powerful, turbo-charged engine that could fly along at 130 mph —until you turned on the air conditioner and watched the max speed drop to 50? Pick up two friends, and it struggles to maintain 30 mph. This would be depressing for you as a driver, but it does make a good a…
Moving From CLI to Automation? You Have Choices.
Software Defined Networking (SDN), and the dizzying number of different ways IT organizations define it, continues to be a moving target. However, whatever the definition of SDN is this month, it is clear from talking to customers and seeing how the large web and cloud providers are transforming the…